Membership Committee
MEETS: Chamber office on 2nd Thursday of every month at 11:00 a.m.
Goal: To increase membership and to retain current membership through participation of chamber programs with an emphasis on the improvement of membership benefits programs and through personal contact of members by VP of membership, committee chairs, board members and ambassadors.
Home Based Business Committee
Chair: Heather Arvin, The Richmond Register / Avon
MEETS: Chamber office on 2nd Thursday of every month at 12:00 p.m.
Goal: Creating excitement and developing leaders within the Chamber membership. The Committee will focus on developing new member involvement and retaining existing members through events. The Committee is intended to be a liaison between the chamber membership and staff.
MCBEP Committee
Chair: Vickie Moberly
MEETS: Chamber office on 4th Thursday of every month at 8:30 a.m.
Goal: Madison County Business & Education Partnership (MCBEP) is comprised of leaders from local businesses, industry, and higher education focusing on developing, improving and maintaining business and education in Madison County. To keep our best and brightest youth in Madison County, encourage those who leave to return by showcasing opportunities available in Madison County, and to develop the best workforce possible by developing programs for students and adults.
Economic Development Committee
MEETS: Chamber office on 3rd Wednesday of every month at 8:30 a.m.
Goal: To foster an environment of economic cooperation and expansion in Richmond and Madison County. To develop and focus on projects that have a direct effect on the growth and business development of the Richmond and Madison County community, especially those that focus on future global economic growth, entrepreneurship and new economy.
Golf Tournament Committee (May)
MEETS: This Committee has begun meeting. Contact the Chamber office for details if you're interested in participating.
Goal: To continue the overall excellence of the Chamber’s golf tournament; to develop strategic plan, including marketing plan; and secure title sponsor(s) for the event.
Taste of Richmond (June)
MEETS: As needed. Contact the Chamber office for details.
Goal: To promote local restaurants by showcasing their product to a mass audience through one community event.
Pops at the Park Committee (August)
MEETS: As needed. Contact the Chamber office for details.
Goal: Facilitate meeting(s) to develop strategic plan, including marketing, sponsors, and all other subcommittees necessary to ensure that the Pops Committee and Board can implement a financially successful event. Work with Pops Board to award music scholarship each year to EKU Department of Music.
CityFest Committee (September)
MEETS: As needed. Contact the Chamber office for details.
Goal: Develop an event that promotes local business to students, staff and faculty on EKU’s campus, as well as public consumers.
Awards Banquet (December)
MEETS: As needed. Contact the Chamber office for details.
Goal: To plan the signature social and business event of the year that honors successful businesses and individuals within Madison County. Develop strategic plan, including marketing, sponsors, awards committee, and other subcommittees necessary to implement a successful event.