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Bray and Oakley Insurance
2150 Lexington Road
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Kathy Allen
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Established in1920 in Logan WV, Bray & Oakley is a privately held and incorporated company in West Virginia. We are a full service insurance agency licensed to transact Life, Health, Property, and Casualty Insurance. Our Insurance and Real Estate brokerage operates from one central location, our modern and attractive office in Logan, at 213 Main Street. We stress to our insured’s the importance of good communication between the agent and client to insure proper coverage is in place. Our company’s strength lies in the quality and depth of our products and staff. Our offices are open five days a week and because of our larger staff we are always available to service our clients. All members of our staff are qualified and eager to assist you. Our staff members are specialists in commercial lines insurance and can properly service and underwrite most business needs. We also have quality commercial niche markets that are unavailable to our competition. Our clients are individuals and businesses across all industry sectors. However, our expertise lies in the public entities, education, manufacturing, construction, energy, mining, and retail industries. Bray & Oakley Insurance Agency currently handles nearly 11 million in premium for clients across the Eastern United States. The Bray & Oakley Insurance Agency has a large portfolio of insurance companies which allow us the ability to competitively shop your account with all the industry sector leaders. Bray & Oakley Insurance Agency has formed a strategic partnership centered on the strengths and resources of all our carriers. The combined goal of decreasing claim frequency and aggressive claims management has been proven to lower claim cost and control insurance premiums. Samples of these services include: Dedicated Service Team to include Marketing, Claims, Loss Control and Account Management Personnel Dedicated Lost Time Claims Advocate Development of a Quarterly Claims Review Program Annual Experience Modification Reviews, Audits & Projections Increased Underwriter & Carrier Involvement Midterm Risk Management & Policy Review Program We have the ability to offer a special, personalized level of service meeting the unique needs of our customers. Our strong relationships with national carriers and regional insurance markets give our customers the broadest, most comprehensive representation in the marketplace. The specialized services pertaining to loss control assessment, claims management, safety culture implementation and experience modification analysis will help improve the marketability of your account. Our customers receive the advantage of having an agent work on their behalf with the common goal of reducing claims and insurance premiums. This helps us maximize synergies and broaden the services we offer our clients.
Member Since: 2018
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